
                   3.6.2 Helene Bernhardine Hilda Arnold.

Brother 3
Born: 24 April 1896 at Stockport, S.A.
Died: 18 January 1962 at Winchester, W.A.


Hilda was born in her parent’s home at Stockport on 24 April 1896. After her schooling at Bethel, she helped at home until the age of sixteen when she commenced working as a domestic at various homes in the local district.

In 1922 she left the district and moved to South Kilkerran where she worked for an aunt and uncle until their deaths. From there Hilda worked for a family at Urania where help was greatly needed and when these people moved to Carnamah in Western Australia she a so went with them and remained there until her death on 18 January 1962. She is buried at Winchester, Western Australia.